Source: National Safety Council

In a report released today, the Campbell Institute at the National Safety Council lays out a safety roadmap for employers to effectively handle the complexities of contractor management. Fourteen Campbell Institute companies contributed real-world experiences and recommended practices to the report, which comes at a time when the number of contract and temporary workers in the U.S. is increasing rapidly.

“Collaboration is the bedrock of all successful partnerships,” said Deborah A.P. Hersman, president and CEO of the National Safety Council. “These companiesshare how theyhave placed safety at the heart of every project. Their experiences canhelp other employers establish safe contract relationships that run the gamut, fromdelivering mailtomajor construction projects.”

The temporary and contract worker industry has added more U.S. jobs in the last three years than any other industry[i]. The rate of injuries among contract and temporary workers has paralleled the rise of the industry, as jobs often carry risks that workers are not trained to handle. Members of the Campbell Institute – the center for environmental, health and safety excellence at the National Safety Council – identified best practices within each of the five identified steps of the contractor lifecycle that, when followed, can help lessen risk and lead to mutually beneficial partnerships:

  • Prequalification – vetting contractors based on their safety statistics and proven track records
  • Pre-job task and risk assessment – evaluating the inherent risks involved in the work that contract workers would be expected to perform
  • Training and orientation – providing the instruction and tools necessary so workers can do their jobs correctly and safely
  • Job monitoring – assessing work throughout the contract term
  • Post-job evaluation – rating the contractor based on safety, customer service and quality of finished work

Employers who are interested in more information can join a free webinar, “Best Practices in Contractor Safety” at 11 a.m. ET January 14. Learn more about this report and all of the research coming out of the Campbell Institute at

About the National Safety Council

Founded in 1913 and chartered by Congress, the National Safety Council,, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to save lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy. NSC advances this mission by partnering with businesses, government agencies, elected officials and the public on the leading causes of unintentional death, with a focus on distracted driving, teen driving, workplace safety, prescription drug overdoses and Safe Communities. Safety+Health magazine, the Council’s flagship publication, is a leading source of occupational safety and health information.

[i]According to American Staffing Association