How many steps people should be getting a day? “10,000, of course. Everyone knows that."

But what does taking 10,000 steps do for your body?

To be sure, in general walking more has positive health benefits.  A 2010 study showed walking more has health benefits including improved cardiovascular health, personal growth, and other variables that contribute to healthy living.

According to the American Heart Association, a brisk walk can lower risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes if performed and maintained over time.

The main reason motivating people to move more is to lose weight/body fat. Numerous fitness wearables are designed as a way for people to lose weight. Many devices have zeroed in on 10,000 steps as being the default goal that causes fat loss. Some o call 10,000 steps the “magical number.”

It’s an over-generalization to claim that 10,000 steps a day will cause meaningful changes in your body composition and help you lose body fat. For instance, it’s been claimed individuals may be able to lose a pound of fat a week just by taking 10,000 steps because of the potential to burn 3,500 calories from walking. This claim applies to precious few people. Why? Exercise is only part of the weight loss formula. Caloric intake -- your diet – is a significant factor. You must keep careful watch of your calories in/out.
