The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) made the following safety recommendation to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:

“Determine whether equipping commercial vehicles with collision warning systems with active braking and electronic stability control systems will reduce commercial vehicle accidents. If these technologies are determined to be effective in reducing accidents, require their use on commercial vehicles.” (H-08-15)

Further, NTSB reiterates the following previously issued safety recommendations to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:

“Complete rulemaking on adaptive cruise control and collision warning system performance standards for new commercial vehicles. At a minimum, these standards should address obstacle detection distance, timing of alerts, and human factors guidelines, such as the mode and type of warning. (H-01-6) After promulgating performance standards for collision warning systems for commercial vehicles, require that all new commercial vehicles be equipped with a collision warning system. (H-01-7)”

The complete recommendation letter is available at