United NationsIn order to monitor the status of implementation of the GHS, the United Nations secretariat has started to collect information publicly available from various sources (reports from members of the GHS Sub-Committee or NGOs, reports submitted to or issued by other United Nations organs, programs or specialized agencies (UNECE, UNITAR, IMO, ICAO, UNEP, WHO, ILO) or other intergovernmental organizations (European Commission, APEC), non-governmental organizations, as well as reports on various workshops, seminars, conferences and other events organized in relation with the implementation of the GHS.

This information has been compiled and summarized, country-by-country. Since implementation of the GHS is a dynamic process, this information will be regularly reviewed and completed on the basis of any new information made available.

Several international organizations as well as United Nations programmes and specialized agencies concerned with chemical safety in the field of transport or the environment, occupational health and safety, pesticide management and prevention and treatment of poisoning, are in the process of implementing the GHS by developing, amending or revising their relevant international instruments.

Detailed information about the progress of the work in the different areas is given in this page, under "Implementation through international legal instruments, recommendations, codes and guidelines".

Governments, and any other stakeholders, may submit any relevant information using the dedicated contact form. This information will be included on the web after verification by the secretariat. Of particular interest are the names of any legal instruments, codes or standards which have been adopted or amended to reflect the provisions of the GHS, their details (date of application, transitional period, publication details, internet address), and name and address of administrations responsible for their implementation.