Today's NewsThe safety inspector who surveyed a Philadelphia building before it collapsed last week has committed suicide, according to news sources. The collapse killed three workers and three patrons. Thirteen others were buried in rubble and were rescued.

Deputy Mayor Everett Gillison released a statement that the inspector, a Department of Licenses and Inspections employee, was found fatally shot in a pickup truck Wednesday night. The man reportedly texted his wife before killing himself.

City officials said the inspector visited the demolition site of an adjacent building after a citizen expressed safety concerns and found no violations. It is unclear whether he inspected the building that collapsed. That building was in the process of being demolished when it collapsed onto a nearby store.

Crane operator Sean Benschop, who tested postivie for marijuana after the accident, has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. Benschop has an extensive criminal history that includes three convictions for possession of controlled substances and nine arrests since 1994.

A grand jury is being convened to consider additional charges against other people.