computerWith polls continuing to show considerable confusion and apprehension over implementation and effects of the Affordable Care Act – also known as Obamacare – the federal government is hosting webinars intended to clarify the provisions of the act.

The webinars, hosted by the U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) Employee Benefits Security Administration, will be held tomorrow, Sept. 17 and Wednesday, Sept. 18 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. EDT each day.

As of the time this was posted, registration for both seminars was still open.

"The Affordable Care Act Compliance Assistance Webcast" will provide employers, brokers, third-party administrators and others with practical information, helpful tips and clarification on the new law. EBSA staff will be joined on the webcast by representatives from other agencies.

On Sept. 17, DOL staff will discuss the final wellness rules under the Affordable Care Act. The Department of the Treasury will discuss the employer shared responsibility provisions.

On Sept. 18, the DOL will present information on the Notice to Employees of Coverage Options under Fair Labor Standards Act 18B and the full implementation of key market reforms, including the extension of dependent coverage to age 26, lifetime and annual limits and prohibitions on pre-existing conditions. The Department of Health and Human Services will provide information on the new Health Insurance Marketplace and Small Business Health Options Program.

Participants can register to participate on Sept. 17 at and on Sept. 18 at