Coal miners who participated in NIOSH health screeningThe NIOSH Coal Workers’ Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP) has launched its new Facebook page.

NIOSH uses the page to keep coal miners apprised of when and where its Mobile Occupational Safety and Health Unit will be in various areas to conduct health screenings.

Miners are encouraged to visit the specially outfitted truck and participate in a free health exam – a process that takes about 25 minutes and includes a short questionnaire, a chest x-ray and a breathing test.

A blood pressure test is also available.

Although walk-ins are accepted, its best for miners who want the screening to call ahead for an appointment.

The Facebook page features photos of coal miners who’ve visited the mobile unit and taken the exam, such as the two men pictured at right.

Click here to visit the CWHSP Facebook page for additional information about the screening program. To receive updates on the CWHSP, new publications and details about upcoming survey sites, make sure you “like” the page.