OSHA and the American Biological Safety Association (ABSA) have teamed up to protect health and prevent illness and injury in the workplace from biological hazards.

"The changing nature of workplace hazards today reflects the changing nature of the world of today," said OSHA chief John Henshaw. "After September 11, 2001, and the anthrax terrorist attacks, we recognize the evolving nature of threats to health and safety in the workplace from criminal acts, terrorism and other external hazards previously unthinkable, and take steps to prepare workplaces to deal with those hazards."

ABSA and OSHA will work together on a number of outreach and communication goals to address biological safety goals in the workplace. ABSA will share technical information and best practices regarding biological safety, and will provide OSHA with technical advice, information and recommendations on biological safety issues.

Both will work together to identify emerging occupational biological safety issues and work out methods to address them. ABSA will also help OSHA to identify and develop technical links on biological safety for OSHA's Web site.

Joint efforts will encourage employers to incorporate biological safety strategies into their overall safety and health programs.