Every year more than 100 workers are fatally injured and thousands suffer disabling injuries in ladder-related incidents. In March, the American Ladder Institute (ALI) is sponsoring its annual National Ladder Safety Month to promote ladder safety at work and home.

Every year over 100 people die in ladder-related accidents, and thousands suffer disabling injuries. National Ladder Safety Month is intended to raise awareness of ladder safety and to decrease the number of ladder-related injuries and fatalities.

The ALI – which is the only approved developer of safety standards for the U.S. ladder industry - offers free training on safe ladder practices in all applications, such as construction/painting, building and custodial services, warehousing, power, manufacturing, chemical and petrochemical, oil and gas, and at home. Click here for more information.

OSHA will be participating in two symposiums on March 13 in Houston, Texas, (register to attend in person or via live webcast) and March 19 in Arlington, Texas, (register to attend in person or via live webcast).