When it comes to hand protection, what kind of training actually gets through? What causes a worker to act safely (or not) in the moment? Which stats are meaningful and which are useless? What infrastructure changes and personal protective equipment (PPE) decisions actually pay off? How do cultural issues play in? How have others reduced hand injuries by 50, even 90 percent?

Those questions give potential readers an idea of the broad scope of Rethinking Hand Safety: Myths, Truths, and Proven Practices, a new book by Joe Geng, vice president of Superior Glove.

Geng points out that around the globe, hand injuries are the number one preventable industrial accident—in manufacturing, construction, oil & gas, and other industries.

His book, which is intended for safety managers, is a guide to shifting perspectives, changing company cultures and altering worker attitudes.

Geng grew up working in tanneries in Canada and says he helped his father Frank Geng, founder of Superior Glove, innovate hand protection at a very young age.

“This book is the culmination of a lifetime of experience in helping companies improve their hand safety,” said Geng. “If this book helps just one company rethink how they do hand safety and that saves even one hand, then it’s a success.”

One online reviewer noted that Geng’s book “gets into the meat and potatoes” of the topic and found one tidbit especially interesting: that low cost gloves are associated with low employee morale (and more hand injuries) and the opposite is true with high quality, task specific, gloves.

Click here for more information on Rethinking Hand Safety: Myths, Truths, and Proven Practices.