Source: Safety Alliance

The OSHA Jacksonville Area Office and the Safety Alliance – Jacksonville Chapter (SAFE) (henceforth “SAFE") recognize the value of establishing a collaborative relationship to foster safety and health practices and programs to improve American workplaces. To that end, OSHA and SAFE have formed an Alliance to provide SAFE members and the public with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect workers by reducing and preventing exposure to general industry hazards, as well as construction industry hazards.

In the spirit of this alliance, OSHA and SAFE are collaborating to promote OSHA’s 6th annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction during the week of May 6, 2019. The following is offered as a just one way for employers to promote a stand-down, with the understanding that employers may conduct their individual stand-downs in any manner that is keeping with OSHA’s stand-down webpage: There is no one way to hold a stand-down, so please feel free to get creative and do what works for your employees and jobsites. For even more resources and ideas, visit

Day 2 – Tuesday, May 7, 2019: Complete your written fall protection plan

Having a detailed fall protection plan is essential to providing a safe work environment for employees working at heights. While OSHA only requires a written fall protection plan for employees engaged in specific types of work who can demonstrate that it is infeasible or hazardous to use conventional fall protection equipment (See 1926.501(b)(2), (b)(12), and (b)(13)), CPWR feels that the use of a plan is beneficial to the safety of all workers at risk for a fall.

  1. Use this generic site-specific plan to think through your fall prevention and protection methods, training for workers, and rescue plans. Complete any and all sections that are applicable to your jobsite(s).
  2. Take this opportunity to review your rescue plan with workers. Hanging in a harness for too long can be deadly so having a plan is critical.

The attached “Fall Protection Saves Livesposter is offered for your distribution during daily safety messages for the week of May 6-10, 2019. We hope you will share the attachment with your job sites, safety professionals, and those who may be involved with working at heights to a lower level.

Day 2 Poster (English)