In honor of National Skilled Trades Day, held every year on the first Wednesday in May, ISHN asked experts at Wolverine for some insight into what the day means to them as well as the industry.

1. What does National Skilled Trades Day mean to you, and how does Wolverine celebrate or recognize the skilled tradespeople within your workforce? 

National Skilled Trades Day is an opportunity to honor the hard work, grit, and dedication of skilled trades workers on a national level. At Wolverine, this is something we strive to do every day. We understand the expertise and craftsmanship of our skilled tradespeople and work to provide durable, quality product that will allow them to perform their job at their best, day after day. Our Project Bootstrap initiatives all work to directly support and advocate for skilled trades workers through financial and in-kind donations.


2. Can you discuss the significance of skilled trades professions in today's economy and workforce? 

The skilled trades play a vital role in our economy by providing necessary services such as construction, plumbing, welding, and automotive repair – just to name a few. Without these core trades jobs infrastructure expansion would stall. The skilled trade workforce is aging, and over the next decade there will be 6.5 million unfilled jobs within the skilled trades. It’s critical that we fill these jobs, that often go unfilled because of misconceptions surrounding them.


3.  How do you think we can help cultivate the next generation of skilled tradespeople, and how do you think organizations can recruit young people? 

At Wolverine, we believe a big portion of the challenges facing the skilled trades industry today stem from a lack of awareness and exposure. We work with organizations like SkillsUSA, Metallica Scholars and YouthBuild to not only provide education and exposure opportunities to young people, but to shift the long-standing narrative that the skilled trades are lesser job options and educate individuals on the amazing career and entrepreneurial opportunities within the industry. By correcting the narrative surrounding the skilled trades, exposing young people to the various skilled trades career paths, and providing mentorship opportunities, we can provide young people the confidence they need to pursue a skilled trades career.


4. Can you discuss any challenges or misconceptions that skilled trades professions may face, and how the industrial sector can improve? 

The biggest challenge the skilled trades industry is facing is the misconceptions that surround it. It is still widely believed that the skilled trades are male-specific, secondary job options that require manual labor and getting dirty. Young people don’t know that skilled trades professionals self-report higher levels of job satisfaction, or that 89% of skilled trades workers utilize cutting-edge technology to do their job. By providing exposure, education, and mentorship opportunities, we can shift this incorrect narrative.


5.  In your opinion, what can companies like Wolverine be doing to further recognize and appreciate the contributions of skilled tradespeople? 

Wolverine is dedicated to inspiring and supporting the next generation of skilled tradespeople. We work with like-minded nonprofit organizations to provide financial and in-kind donations that allow individuals to pursue a skilled trades profession. Through our marketing and initiatives Wolverine aims to shine a light on the skilled trades and showcase the aspirational career opportunities they provide, while highlighting the importance of a blue-collar mindset no matter what your career path is. This all works to provide individuals the confidence they need to explore and succeed in a skilled trades career.