About 4,000 of the 80,000 sites submitting 1999 injury and illness data to OSHA reported rates at or above 14.0 per 100 workers, according to OSHA. The national average lost workday rate for private industry in 1999 was 3.0.
OSHA sent letters to 14,000 work sites with 1999 lost workday rates of 8.0 and higher notifying them of their above-average rates and encouraging them to take safety precautions. Each workplace receiving the letter got a copy of its injury and illness data along with a list of the most frequently violated OSHA standards for its specific industry, and was encouraged to consider using safety and health consultants or other experts to improve performance.
About 1,000 of the sites with rates of 14.0 and higher will be inspected by OSHA in the next four months, according to the agency.