Ashley Alewelt, CSP, Caterpillar, gave a presentation Monday morning at the 2015 AIHce urging EHS professionals to go beyond developing technical competencies. According to Alewelt, pros often go to technical trainings and read scientific books, but forget to build their leadership strengths.

Said Alewelt: “If they don’t have a seat at their company’s leadership table, they have a difficult time getting initiatives across. If initiatives aren’t implemented, then EHS professionals may not be effective at protecting employees.

She says outstanding leaders create energizing climates as they engage with employees and management, inspire great performance, and impact results both EHS and business.

Alewelt advocates using an intentional and deliberate learning plan to achieve these leadership results. The 20/70/10 learning model she describes is 20% learning through coaching and feedback / 70% learning through on-the-experience and experimentation / 10% learning through formal training and learning programs.

Her presentation used real life examples to show how to use 20/70/10 to increase the ability to lead without authority.