IPIECA - the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues – has released a new publication for medical professionals in the industry.

The Medical facilities assessment put together by the IPIECA-IOGP Health Committee is a checklist which provides guidance on the assessment of medical facilities to help companies:

  • identify the best medical facility in the operational oil and gas location;
  • comply with company HSE requirements to assess medical facilities; and
  • integrate health facilities that meet medical standards within the company’s emergency response plan.

Oil and gas operations take place in many countries where the quality of medical services and specialities differs. It is therefore important for a company to assess local health facilities to ensure that they can provide optimal medical care for their workers.

This checklist is intended to aid medical professionals in assessing local health facilities by guiding the user through the fundamental elements which should be considered including, outpatient and inpatient services, intensive care unit, ambulance service, surgical and medical services.

Click here to download the guide.