Two oil and gas industry associations have partnered to develop a checklist to enable companies to prepare for and respond to events that may cause multiple casualties.
IPIECA -- the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues – and the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) have launched Multiple casualty planning and preparation: Checklist for medical emergency response planning for the oil and gas industry. The checklist provides a practical guide to aid medical and operational personnel in assessing and improving company preparedness for multiple casualty events.
“Multiple casualty incidents may result from a number of events such as natural disasters, structural failures and operational and transportation accidents,” says IPIECA. “Such events may have the capacity to quickly overwhelm a site’s personnel, equipment or facilities, and successful management requires a carefully assessed and integrated medical emergency response plan.”
The checklist is intended to guide the user through the key elements which need to be considered when developing or reviewing a medical emergency response plan, including risk assessment, on-site and external facilities, training and triage equipment.
Click here to visit the IPIECA website and download the materials.