In manufacturing, efficiency reigns supreme. At the heart of this quest for streamlined operations lies lean manufacturing, which has revolutionized the industry worldwide by finding new ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs.  

However, multiple misconceptions surround lean manufacturing, from its purpose to its impact on the workforce. Contrary to popular belief, lean does not typically result in layoffs and is not merely about trimming the fat. It's a strategic growth initiative that demands investment and engagement at every level.

Unlocking efficiencies through lean manufacturing requires active participation and support from frontline workers familiar with daily tasks and operations. Manufacturers can tap into their expertise by involving frontline workers in all aspects of lean training and instilling a deeper understanding of lean’s purpose and methodology.

Recent surveys reveal a disconnect between the potential benefits of involving more employees and actual lean training practices. Historically, frontline workers have been left out of lean training even though 72% of manufacturers say production would increase, and 91% believe their workers would be more engaged in efficiency efforts if they understood lean principles and objectives. Yet only 40% of manufacturers provide lean training to frontline workers.*

Let’s break down some of the positive outcomes of providing lean training to a broader set of manufacturing employees.


Unlocking employee opportunities

As the lean process takes hold, a transformative shift occurs within the workforce. Enhanced efficiency gives employees more time and opportunities to explore other value-added tasks. Companies have more time to cross-train employees, giving them additional skills and opportunities for professional growth.  


Investing in the future

The beauty of lean lies in its ability to generate substantial cost savings that can fund employee-related initiatives such as enhanced training, upgraded tools, and cutting-edge technology or wellness programs. By introducing these benefits,  frontline workers can see the benefits of lean manufacturing firsthand. Redirecting the benefits of lean efficiencies back into the workforce creates a culture of loyalty and empowerment among frontline workers.

Manufacturers can build trust and provide a sense of belonging by showing they value employees enough to dedicate resources that improve their work environment. Skill-building programs, health and wellness programs and facilities, and employee assistance programs demonstrate commitment to frontline employees who become a driving force for long-term prosperity.


Embracing experimentation

One of the most important facets of lean manufacturing is the willingness to embrace experimentation. Failure is necessary for continuous improvement and is one of the most critical factors in the overall success of the lean process.

Every employee, from the frontline workers to managers to top executives, plays a pivotal role. Implementing lean processes requires managers and workers to introduce new ideas, some of which will work and some that won’t. Ideas that don’t work provide employees with valuable lessons. A good rule of thumb for all lean improvements is to plan, do, check, and adjust.

Lean manufacturing uncovers new efficiencies and cost savings that can be reinvested to create a more engaged and empowered workforce. When employees are incentivized to find more savings, a never-ending cycle of improvements and efficiencies is created.


*Source: Industry Survey, “The Regulatory, Economic, and Workforce Trends that Will Shape 2023,” Intertek Alchemy