The cost of eye injuries is more than $300 million in lost production time, medical expenses, and workers compensation. Defog It antifog offers eye safety tips during July’s National Eye Safety Month:
- Make sure fogged eyewear isn’t a problem. A research report found 100% of focus group respondents named fogging as a reason for not wearing personal protective eyewear.
- Choose the right protective eyewear for the job. Do you need side shields? Goggles? OSHA can give you guidance.
- Comfort is important. Eyewear that pinches the nose or straps that slip are handy excuses to put aside eyewear. Take the time to find something that really works.
- Do you need a strap? It will secure the eyewear during play and help keep them close by during downtime.
- Need a refresher course for your organization? Check out Prevent Blindness America There’s also a great Toolbox Talk www.mhttp://www.cdc/gov/niosh/topics/eye/toolbox-eye.html at the National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Health.