OSHA is adding an extra week to the public hearing on its proposed ergonomics standard — May 8-12 in Washington, D.C., to accommodate the more than 300 requests the agency has received from individuals and organizations that want to testify in Washington.

The informal public hearing schedule for the ergonomics proposal is now:

  • March 13-April 7, 2000 Washington, D.C.;
  • April 11-21 Chicago, Ill.;
  • April 24-May 3 Portland, Ore.;
  • May 8-12 Washington, D.C.

Hearings run from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except the opening day, March 13, in Washington, when the hearing begins at 9:30 a.m. Looks like the ergo controversy will have the feds putting in some overtime.