Today is World Hearing Day, a day aimed at raising awareness and promoting ear and hearing care around the world.

The theme for this year’s World Hearing Day is ‘Action for hearing loss: make a sound investment’. This aims to draw attention to the economic impact of hearing loss and cost effectiveness of interventions to address it.

Everyday sounds typically do not damage your hearing. However, many people participate in activities that produce harmful sound levels, such as attending loud sporting events and music concerts, and using power tools, which repeated over time will cause hearing loss. Loud sound (noise) can damage sensitive parts of the ear, causing hearing loss, ringing or buzzing in the ear (tinnitus), and increased sensitivity to sound (hyperacusis). Repeated exposure to loud noise over the years affects how well you hear later in life and how quickly you develop hearing problems, even after exposure has stopped.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reminds us that we can protect our hearing by recognizing early signs of hearing loss and taking steps to protect your hearing.

What noises cause hearing loss?

How does noise cause hearing loss?

How do I know if I have hearing loss caused by loud noise?

How do I prevent loud noise from damaging my hearing?

What if I already have hearing loss?

See NIOSH site for occupational hearing loss information

See NCBDDD site for information about hearing loss in children

Vital Signs - Hearing Loss: English | Español