"We will be looking at new technologies, techniques and best practices to address the manufacturing-related safety, health and environmental challenges that face our profession," says ASSE's Council on Practices and Standards Vice-President Don Jones, P.E., CSP.
The group will look at industry-specific issues, including metalworking, chemical and petroleum processing, printing and publishing, timber and lumber working, food processing, and rubber and plastics, in addition to new concepts such as nanotechnology.
To be eligible for membership in the new group, individuals must be an ASSE member in either the Management or Engineering Practice Specialties, which are cosponsoring the Manufacturing Best Practices branch. The intent is to grow the branch with the idea of eventually spinning it off as its own individual Practice Specialty.
Through its 13 Practice Specialties, ASSE offers professional development opportunities and technical assistance to members and non-members. The Practice Specialties include: Academics, Construction, Consultants, Engineering, Environmental, Healthcare, Industrial Hygiene, International, Management, Mining, Public Sector, Risk Management/Insurance and Transportation.