The Laser Institute of America (LIA) has created a new auditing service to help industrial laser users keep their facilities safe and compliant with OSHA. The Industrial Laser Safety Audit is based on the ANSI Z136.1Safe Use of Lasersstandard, and can be arranged by contacting LIA.
The Industrial Laser Safety Audit includes:
• A review of training requirements for the Laser Safety Officer and other area personnel;
• A Hazard Analysis – Maximum Permissible Exposure and Nominal Hazard Zone calculations;
• An evaluation of the laser use area;
• A review of the laser area controls, including signs and other entryway controls;
• An assessment of non-beam hazards such as laser generated airborne contaminants and electrical hazards;
• A review of laser and laser system requirements;
• A review of laser documentation such as standard operating procedures, institutional policy, etc.
For more information and to obtain a quote,
New auditing service aimed at improving industrial laser safety (9/19)