The four major trends discussed in the report are:
- Private label products
- Demand-driven channels
- New profit models
- How the Internet connects customers like never before.
Part I summaries the four major trends affecting all wholesaler-distributors and presents results for companies of different sizes and that operate in different markets. Each chapter offers action ideas with specific strategies and presents discussion questions to help everyone on your management team understand the implications of each trend on your company.
Part II analyzes the results for three major markets in which wholesaler-distributors operate: Construction Markets, Industry and Commercial Markets, and Retail Consumer Markets. This approach reflects a combination of end markets, customer types, and products sold.
“Facing the Forces of Change®: Lead the Way in the Supply Chain” draws upon a broad set of data, including in-depth interviews with senior distribution executives, manufacturers, customers, analysts, professors, and association executives. This report also includes survey responses from nearly 1,000 wholesale distribution executives and approximately 300 manufacturing executives. This is the first report in the 25-year history of the Facing the Forces of Change® series that reviews comparative data from a previous report and provides a fresh assessment of past predictions.
The author, Adam J. Fein, Ph.D., conceptualized, researched, and wrote “Facing the Forces of Change®: Lead the Way in the Supply Chain” with the staff of Pembroke Consulting. Fein is the founder and president of Philadelphia-based Pembroke Consulting, Inc. He consults with manufacturers on channel strategy, assists distributors with industry analysis and planning, and advises technology companies on marketing strategy.
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Call the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors at (202) 872-0885.