“Drug-Free Work Week” officially is this week: October 20-24. According to an OSHA press statement, it “is a dedicated time each year to highlight the benefits that drug-free workplace programs bring to employers, workers and communities.

“It spreads the word that working drug free: 1) Prevents accidents and make workplaces safer; 2) Improves productivity and reduce costs; and 3) Encourages people with alcohol and drug problems to seek help

According to recent research, OSHA states that 75 percent of the nation’s current illegal drug users are employed—and 3.1 percent say they have actually used illegal drugs before or during work hours. Also, 79 percent of the nation’s heavy alcohol users are employed—and 7.1 percent say they have actually consumed alcohol during the workday.

Visit OSHA’s web site for tools and ideas to promote drug-free workplaces.