Thanks to Aaron Trippler, government affairs director for the American Industrial Hygiene Association, we present this updated list of state activity involving existing or proposed OSHA state plan programs. Some of the actions are in response to last year’s OSHA review of state OSHA plans, which found some states underperforming in areas of enforcement in particular. Other actions result from state budget crises.

OSHA State PlansMichigan: Repeals Michigan State OSHA Plan – Pending
Mississippi: Would establish a state OSHA Plan – Died in Committee
Texas: Would establish a state OSHA Plan - Pending

OSHA Penalties/Violations Hawaii: Raises civil penalties and criminal fines for violations of state OSHA Plan – Pending
Indiana: Would raise penalties for intentional violations – Pending
Massachusetts: Penalties for workplace violations – Pending
Nevada: Would change assessments, fees, fines and settlements relating to occupational safety and health – Pending
Nevada: Makes various changes concerning issuance of citations for occupational safety and health violations – Pending
Nevada: Provides for communications with family members of workers injured or killed in occupational accidents – Pending
Nevada: Provides for referral of investigations of occupational fatalities to local district attorney and attorney general – Pending
New York: Penalties for failing to file reports of accidents – Pending
Washington: Addresses abatement of violations of the state industrial health and safety act during an appeal – Pending
West Virginia: Makes changes to state occupational safety and health plan – Pending
West Virginia: Would fund OSHA coverage for public employees – Pending
Wyoming: Provides for review of OSHA rules and regulations – Failed
Wyoming: Increases fines and civil penalties – Pending