The National Transportation Safety Board is offering courses in disaster response, post-accident communications, and accident investigation in the coming months at its training center just outside Washington:
The TRANSPORTATION DISASTER RESPONSE – FAMILY ASSISTANCE course (Oct. 10-12), which was developed for commercial transportation officials, representatives of federal agencies, staff of non-governmental relief organizations and emergency managers, is instrumental in understanding how any organization involved in the accident response can most effectively support the family assistance efforts. Learn more at
The TRANSPORTATION DISASTER RESPONSE – EMERGENCY RESPONDERS course (Nov. 14-16) for emergency responders and planners provides participants with the tools to most effectively manage a major transportation disaster. Learn more at
The AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION ORIENTATION course (Oct. 23-24), led by senior NTSB management and investigators, details how the Safety Board investigates major aircraft accidents and what it expects of participants in an investigation. Learn more at
The MANAGING COMMUNICATIONS FOLLOWING AN AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT OR INCIDENT course (Oct. 25-26) will teach participants what to expect in the days immediately following an aviation accident or incident and how they can prepare for their role with the media. Learn more at
The COGNITIVE INTERVIEWING FOR ACCIDENT INVESTIGATORS course (Nov. 13-14) provides participants with the tools to conduct sound investigative interviews of participants in, and witnesses to, transportation incidents or accidents. Learn more at
The INVESTIGATING HUMAN FATIGUE FACTORS course (Nov. 15-16) will provide participants with information and guidance to evaluate the role human fatigue plays in accident causation. It will cover fatigue-related issues including sleep length, sleep disorders, circadian rhythms, work schedules, and the effects of fatigue on performance and alertness. Learn more at
Information about the NTSB Training Center, course registration information and a complete listing of all public courses offered there is available at
NTSB Training Center: 571-223-3900
NTSB to offer courses in disaster response, accident investigation