A workplace safety video produced by the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma has won a state-level award, but Tulsa’s real prize may be a sharp drop in recordable injuries among city workers.

The three-minute video, “Being Safe is No Accident," was recently named a 2014 WINNER in the "Superheroes of Safety" video contest put on by the Oklahoma Safety Council and the state’s Department of Labor.

The video was shown recently at the 2014 Oklahoma Safety and Health Conference.

In it, city leaders describe the sky high workers compensation costs that reflected accidents involving Tulsa’s workforce and imposed a significant burden on its taxpayers.

“We realized at the city of Tulsa we take really good care of the community…but where we weren’t doing so well is taking care of our employees who provided those vital services,” Eddie Tijerina, Safety/Health Coordinator.

 “It took city leaders to say we need to change and we’re going to start at the top.”

Safety was made a core value and a Safety Transformation Program was enacted. Health and wellness is part of the program, as are safety communications, targeted messages that reinforce the commitment to safety. Additionally, the mayor of Tulsa prohibited texting while driving a city vehicle.

In just three years, one official says, there’s been a “180 degree turnaround on safety culture in the city of Tulsa.” The incident rate has decreased and there’s been a 36 percent drop in recordable injuries.

Click here to watch the video in a larger size, on Youtube.