On any jobsite on any given day, an accident is waiting to happen. Falls and dropped object injuries are no different. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports over 50,000 struck by falling object incidents every year. Those are only the recorded incidents. What about those that don’t get reported?

Doesn’t it make sense to avoid unnecessary injury before it becomes a problem? If you’re looking to better protect your workers from fall related hazards, then it’s time to get serious. New standards outline how.

ANSI/ISEA standard 121-2018 established four individual dropped object prevention categories you need to be paying attention to:

  1. Tool Tethers
  2. Tool Attachments
  3. Anchor Attachments
  4. Containers and Bags

Check out the new ANSI/ISEA standard 121-2018 for all the information you need to set your improved safety plan in motion. After you do, Empire Safety & Supply can help you get the gear you need to make it happen.

Pictured above: 3M™ DBI-SALA® HOOK2LOOP Bungee tool tether