President Clinton in late April sent a memo ordering the heads of 27 government agencies and departments, including EPA, to cut penalties for small businesses and reduce reporting requirements.

In the April 21 memo, the President ordered the agency heads to develop and implement policies by July 14, 1995, to waive all or part of fines when companies correct them within a time period appropriate to the violation. The waiver would apply to companies judged to be making a good-faith compliance effort. Penalties can also be waived if the money is used to bring the company into compliance.

In addition, the agencies have until June 15, 1995, to submit a plan to cut by half the frequency of reports that companies must file with the government. Reports filed twice a year, for instance, would only need to be filed once a year. This reporting change would not apply if the agency head determines that it's illegal, or would jeopardize health, safety, or the environment.