health careAccording to a study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, large numbers of physicians claim a lack of control over their work, and a hectic work environment. Time constraints during patient visits are negatively impacting their work and the health of their patients.

What is their biggest complaint?

It’s failure by patients to follow advice or treatment recommendations.

The TeleVox Healthy World Report titled, “A Fragile Nation in Poor Health,”  explores why so many people ignore their doctors’ advice.

Study Highlights
● Healthcare professionals believe with the proper motivation and coaching the majority of their patients (80%) will take necessary steps to do what's required to become healthy.

● Patients agree – more than two in five (42%) people who feel they could better follow their prescribed plans would be likely to do so if they received encouragement from their doctors between visits to stay on course.

● More than one-third (35%) of those who think they could improve their routine of following doctors’ instructions believe they would do so if they received reminders from their doctors via email, voicemail or text telling them to do something specific, like take medication or check blood sugar levels.

● It’s not happening…. patients aren’t getting the support they need from their doctors

● Half (50%) of healthcare professionals believe their job begins and ends with assessing the patient's current state of health, prescribing and explaining treatment plans, and monitoring patient progress during regular office visits.

● Only one in four (26%) healthcare practitioners believe it’s their job to keep patients on track with their treatment programs between office visits by sending them ongoing reminders and alerts to take medication, check blood sugars, eat right, and exercise.

● More than half (55%) of healthcare practices say they don’t communicate with patients between visits to provide care. For example, they don’t currently send patients reminders to adhere to treatment plans, take medication as prescribed, check blood sugar levels, or follow prescribed exercise routines.

● However, two out of five healthcare practices (38%) would like to begin providing this level of patient care between visits in the near future.