The Board of Directors of ACGIH® has ratified the 2012 Threshold Limit Values (TLVs®) for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs®). The Board also approved recommendations for additions to the Notice of Intended Changes (NIC).
The Annual Reports of the ratifications of the ACGIH® Board will be published in the winter issue of the ACGIH® newsletter, Today! Online, and can be found online at ACGIH® members can download the electronic version of the Annual Reports at no cost. Nonmembers may also acquire the Reports through the ACGIH® website for $24.95.
Draft Documentation for the substances on the Notice of Intended Changes (NIC) are currently available for purchase at Documentation for the adopted substances and agents will be available by March 7, 2012. All Documentation are in PDF format and priced at $60 each. ACGIH® members are entitled to five free Documentation downloads per year.
The 2012 TLVs® & BEIs® book and the 2012 Guide to Occupational Exposure Values will be available soon. Those interested in ordering the 2012 TLVs® & BEIs® and the 2012 Guide to Occupational Exposure Values can do so online at, by phone at 513-742-2020, or by fax at 513-742-3355. Please visit the ACGIH® website at for updates on availability.