With the oil and gas industry facing some unique safety and health challenges – such as long hours and worksites in areas at risk for vector-borne diseases -- an industry association is making available two publications to address those challenges.
IPIECA, the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues, has produced resources about disease and fatigue management aimed at improving both health standards and performance in the industry.
Vector-borne disease management programmes
This guide outlines the potential impact of vector-borne diseases (including malaria) on operations and provides guidance on the design of management programs. It is especially relevant for managers and supervisors located in, or responsible for, personnel working in areas where vector-borne diseases are endemic.
Performance indicators for fatigue risk management systems
With many companies moving away from addressing fatigue based solely on hours of work to more comprehensive fatigue risk management systems, this publication provides an approach to developing performance indicators to monitor the effectiveness of such systems.
Click here to visit the IPIECA website.