BCSP, together with the BCSP Foundation, are proud to announce the first ever Bi-Annual Research and Innovation Summit, to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana, August 6 and 7, 2019.

With this effort, we seek to highlight new, relevant research and demonstrate our commitment to advancing a research agenda. Recognizing the importance of collaboration with partner organizations, we are pleased to be able to have the support of NIOSH, The Campbell Institute, NSC, CPWR and ASSP.

The Research and Innovation Summit contains General Safety and Construction Safety tracks, providing strong platforms for a variety of safety professionals committed to the advancement of the field. The summit will host panels on the latest safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) knowledge and practical applications to meet industry needs.

All SH&E stakeholders will find the summit rewarding. Focused on innovation, the first day will begin with an executive panel regarding research’s impact on the future of safety, immediately followed by a research roundtable. Students and life-long learners will benefit from a pre-conference workshop on research methodology. The ideas and energy generated by the summit will be directed toward translation into practice at its closing session on small-grants and strategic investment.

“When we began the journey of defining the areas of highest need for strategic investment, we acknowledged the power of research and innovation to move the field of safety forward,” says Dr. Treasa Turnbeaugh, CSP, ASP, CET, CAE, BCSP's Chief Executive Officer. “This is not just because we know that as a collective we need to know more, but because we recognize that investment in both research and innovation can create significant change through translation into practical application and best practice.”

BCSP, the BCSP Foundation, and our partner organizations are now seeking those dedicated to pulling together each of our strengths and building a safer world. “As professionals engaged in defining best practice, instituting and monitoring safety programs, we look forward to having you join us at this inaugural R&I Summit,” says Christine McConnell, MPA, the BCSP Foundation’s Philanthropy Officer. “Join us in August to learn more about current research and support us as we ask the hard questions and define the research agenda for the next two years. Your knowledge and experience matter: Sign-up today and become a part of this transcendent discussion.”

In recognition of this important mandate, we are celebrating our first 50 years of contributing to the advancement of the field and launching into this next era through strategic investment in research and innovation.

You can learn more about the BCSP Foundation’s Research and Innovation Summit on the summit’s website, where you can read the brochure and register online.

The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP), headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, is a not-for-profit corporation recognized as a leader in high-quality, accredited credentialing for safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) practitioners. BCSP establishes standards and certifies competency criteria in professional safety practice. Since 1969, over 100,000 BCSP credentials have been achieved.